Our website is organized to provide the most relevant information, resources, and guidelines based on the different type of users or stakeholders that BFS interacts with. Each section includes the most relevant portals/systems used, the most relevant forms for varying transactions, important guidelines, policies, and procedures, and Frequently Asked Questions typically received. Each section of the website is tailored to the different type of user or stakeholder our division regularly engages with.
Students can find information in the Student User section above related to fee payment deadlines, how to pay tuition, how to create a Parent PIN, when and how refunds are processed, direct deposit of student refunds, how to deposit funds to a CatCard, and how to enroll in the deferred payment plan.
Employees, including student employees, can find information in the Employee User section above on such topics as how to fill out a time card, payroll related tax information, how to make a travel reservation or request a travel reimbursement for business travel, travel policies and training, and other tools and guides relevant to an employee of the Campus.
Departments, including 平心在线官网_“用爱发电”照样“用钱发电”?B站的“破圈 ...:平心在线:平心在线手机版_QuestMobile2021儿童经济洞察讲述平心在线:互联网的信息渠道多元、社交分享、内容种草、KOL带货等新玩法,正在加速推动“儿童经济细分领域”的闭环,详情请参见QuestMobile儿童经济洞察报告 作者 / 王梓健 泉源 /... can find information in the Department User section above on a variety of topics including how to purchase and pay for goods or services for your department, how to review an employee time sheet, how to review employee travel expense reports, payroll new hire forms, the University’s accounting policies, how to perform expense transfers, and a variety of other tools and guides that will help a Campus department operate smoothly.
Outside or external 3rd parties who wish to do business with BFS and/or UC Merced, please see the Business with UC Merced section above for more information.
For more information on each of the BFS departments, please visit the Department Listing drop down above.