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UNIDIR is a voluntarily funded, autonomous institute within the United Nations. One of the few policy institutes worldwide focusing on disarmament, UNIDIR generates knowledge and promotes dialogue and action on disarmament and security. Based in Geneva, UNIDIR assists the international community to develop the practical, innovative ideas needed to find solutions to critical security problems.

Disarmament — including arms control, non-proliferation, prohibitions, restrictions, confidence building, and where needed, elimination — is an essential tool to secure our world and our future."

António Guterres, 除了 SSR,就没有别的办法了吗 | 博客 | 童话说:2021-1-21 · SSR 出啥事了 放心,SSR 没出事。 写这篇博客并不是想说 SSR 有什么不好,而是因为一些别的原因。 想象一个这样的场景 作为有追求的开发者,我们都希望自己能够负责一些比较有技术难度的项 …