We strive to maximize academic achievement and personal growth to enable all students to compete in the global economy.
Hannah 2019-20
BHS Mural 1
Corona Virus Updates
In the interest of keeping you informed, all updates regarding the Coronavirus will be posted here. The Beverly Public Schools will close beginning on March 16th through the end of the school year. The closures are a proactive step by our school community to limit the potential spread of COVID-19. To date, we are not aware of any confirmed or presumptive cases of the virus in our school community. We will be contacting families throughout the closure to provide information to parents and resources for students and families. Throughout the closure period, we will be making meals available similar to our Summer Meals Program. Please note that despite this closure, Massachusetts school districts have been informed that no district will have to go past June 30 and that school districts will not have to go beyond their planned 185th day of school. In Beverly the last day of school will be Friday, June 19th.
Where to access breakfast and lunch
错过今天等一年 618买设计师本就上京东_笔记本导购-中关村在线:19 小时前 · 对于近期打算买笔记本电脑的用户来说,618这天无疑是一个下手的好时机,如果错过今天这波优惠可能就得一年的节奏。目前,随着用户市场细分越来越被重视,如今的笔记本也不再单纯以“商务办公”四个字来概括,同时,在。
TX白嫖加速器又给白嫖14天 自从宣布4月30日白嫖结束以后 ...:TX白嫖加速器又给白嫖14天 自从宣布4月30日白嫖结束以后 第三次延期给白嫖了 微博 微信 cobray-gxy888 05-19 20:09 24回复 评论 tx的加速器好用么,我可以用电信积分换一年的 shlgf 05-19 20:14 @shlgf 每个人网络情况不一样 站内也有好多人说不好用 我UU ...
Parent Update - 4-21-20
Parent Update - 4-9-20
哪里不爽打哪里 新晋网红 “筋膜枪”到底是按摩神器还是智商税 ...:今天 · 哪里不爽打哪里 新晋网红 “筋膜枪”到底是按摩神器还是智商税?2021-06-18 07:58:17杭州网 都市快报 办公室久坐腰酸背痛?筋膜枪打一下。低头玩 ...
Parent Update - 4-5-20
Parent Update - 4-1-20
Governor Baker closes schools until May 4th
Parent Update - 3-24-20
Parent Update - 3-22-20
Parent Update - 3-18-20
Parent Update - 3-17-20
Coronavirus Update - 3-16-20
Governor Baker closes schools until April 7th
North Shore Area Superintendents Press Release 3-13-20
Coronavirus Update - 3-12-20
Coronavirus Update - 3-6-20
Coronavirus Update - 3-4-2020
Coronavirus Update - 3-2-2020
Initial Parent communication -Coronavirus (2-28-2020)