IFPMA members commit to accelerate their effort to use their skills, technology and resources to bring safe, effective diagnostics, treatments and vaccines to patients around the world. Visit IFPMA COVID-19 Hub.
AMR Action Fund
More than 20 leading pharmaceutical companies launched a ground-breaking collective venture - the AMR Action Fund - to bridge the current gap in funding for the development of new antibiotics
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IFPMA members commit to accelerate their effort to use their skills, technology and resources to bring safe, effective diagnostics, treatments and vaccines to patients around the world. Visit IFPMA COVID-19 Hub.
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Global Biopharma CEO/Top Executives COVID-19 Media Briefing (28 May 2020)
On 28 May 2020, IFPMA organised a media briefing on the status of collaboration and risk-sharing to speed up the research, development and manufacturing of vaccines against COVID-19.
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On 30 April 2020, the global biopharmaceutical industry, represented by high-level executives/ CEO’s, took part in a virtual media briefing on the status of COVID-19 treatments
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Pharma CEO/Top Executives Global Response to COVID-19 – Virtual Press Briefing
On 19 March 2020, the global biopharmaceutical industry, represented by high-level executives/ CEO’s, took part in a virtual media briefing highlighting industry’s efforts and future commitments to address the current global coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
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Collaborating to End Neglected Tropical Diseases
Progress has been significant in the fight against NTDs since the signing of the London Declaration in 2012. Our industry has been engaged in innovative collaborative partnerships, showcased in our new joint publication.
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Meet #GenerationGavi
Over the past 20 years, IFPMA and its members have proudly worked with Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, to protect the most valuable resource on earth thanks to life saving vaccines: its children.
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IFPMA Code of Practice eLearning
Our Code of Practice has evolved over time and it promotes a culture grounded on values, principles and decisions based on good judgement. You can take our new eLearning here!
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IFPMA represents the research-based pharmaceutical companies and associations across the globe. The research-based pharmaceutical industry’s 2 million employees research, develop and provide medicines and vaccines that improve the life of patients worldwide. Based in Geneva, IFPMA has official relations with the United Nations and contributes industry expertise to help the global health community find solutions that improve global health.
Tackling Global health challenges
灯塔党建在线客户端电脑版|灯塔党建在线电脑版 V2.0.2830 ...:2021-8-23 · 灯塔党建在线电脑版是一款可以让用户在电脑上进行党的建设发展学习的软件。软件落实全面从严治党要求,按照“党建宣传新阵地、工作交流新平台、教育管理新载体、凝聚力量新渠道、信息收集新方式,有需要的朋友可以下载体验下。
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The research-based biopharmaceutical industry is thinking creatively about its innovation and business models to meet new challenges, and is working in collaboration with different players from the scientific community.
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Strengthening Regulatory Systems
Patients everywhere should be treated with high quality medicines and vaccines. Science-based guidelines provide direction for the development, manufacture, and supply of medicines.
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Ethics and Business Integrity
VP早报:OB人均不懂电脑 | 蜗牛电竞:2021-6-14 · OB人均不懂电脑有水友看直播说道,谢彬找熟人配电脑还帮忙打了广告,结果被电脑商宰了,看来OB里除了龙神、566,奶哥哥对于电脑也是一窍不通。水友们调侃道:这可能就是OB的企业文化吧。
Never have people lived longer and never have so many children been saved from dying in the first years of life. Medicines and vaccines extend and improve the quality of life for many people.
“我手机被监控了怎么办?”写给那些觉得自己手机跟电脑被 ...:有很多人喜欢翻墙 用VP*N 这种也可以监控你。 保证自己电脑上没有什么重要文件 有重要的文件 相对做好安全措施,例如安全网盘,设置密码 加密等。 很多人说 啊怎么换了手机换了网络也可能被监控啊,我真的是好笑又想打你。
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如何免费搭建自己的《Minecraft》服务器? - 知乎:2021-8-28 · 但是想想你家的电脑,24小时开机,不需要耗电,不需要用网络吗?所以说绝对免费开服是不存在的。别人开的服务器不可能自己倒贴电费和网费给你用,更何况还有服务器硬件维护费。自己开的话,很少有人能保证有一台电脑能24小时开机并联网。
Geneva, 24 April 2020 Statement delivered by: Thomas Cueni, Director General, IFPMA The biopharmaceutical industry is acutely aware of the enormous responsibility we have to patients and society to engage in unprecedented levels of collaboration to find a solution to COVID-19. We stand ready to bring to this partnership our...
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同一个vpn,同一个wifi下,手机可以访问所有网站,但电脑上 ...:2021-9-28 · 同一个vpn,同一个wifi下,手机可以访问所有网站,但电脑上就不可以访问百度,osc,有时腾讯也不行 北风刮的不认真了 发布于 2021/09/28 17:04 阅读 6K+ 收藏 0 答案 4 码上生花,ECharts ...
30 Jul 2020
By Thomas B. Cueni
On 24 July, Thomas Cueni, IFPMA Director General, joined Imogen Foulkes for the Inside Geneva podcast on Swiss Info, to talk about the development, production and eventual distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Their discussion highlighted the importance of broad-based collaborative efforts among all stakeholders as well as the vital necessity of leaving no one behind and prioritizing the most vulnerable worldwide. However, in this race against...
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30 Jul 2020
By Thomas B. Cueni
Published on Thomas Cueni’s LinkedIn profile. Last Wednesday, I sat down with @Chatham House’s @Emma Ross (moderator) and epidemiologist Professor @David L. Heymann to discuss the latest science and developments in the #COVID19 pandemic. During the interview, we discussed how the pharmaceutical industry is collaborating on an unprecedented scale to develop COVID-19 technologies and tools, the challenges and concerns the industry faces and the best approaches...
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2 Jul 2020
By Thomas B. Cueni
Authors: Dr. Jeff Blackmer, Mr. Thomas Cueni, Mr. Gaston Fernandez, Ms. Nancy Travis, Mr. Russell Williams The dual health and economic crisis resulting from COVID-19 has brought into sharp focus the importance of ethical business conduct. Emergency government measures, widespread economic and social disruption, as well as unscrupulous actors taking advantage of the current situation for personal gain are testing business integrity for SMEs and...