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                    Welcome to the Mycological Society of America website


                    The MSA meets each year, usually in July/August. Our meetings typically include an exciting few days of posters and presentations, plus a fungus foray, council meetings, and our infamous Auction/Social. We often meet jointly with allied societies to promote cross-talk.


                    Become a member or login to the Members Only section.

                    MSA Students

                    MSA Students

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                    Recent Society-Related News and Announcements

                    Job Opening: Insect Mycologist

                    Microbiologist/Plant Pathologist/Entomologist/Molecular Biologist (Insect Mycologist) Position at the Department of Agriculture Closing Date: 04/09/2020 Location: Ithaca, NY “This position is located in Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Emerging Pests and Pathogens Research Unit, in Ithaca, NY.ssr免费订阅地址

                    The Mycological Society of America joins our peer societies and partners in denouncing racism, harassment, discrimination, and oppression. We recognize our shared responsibilities in confronting racism; supporting those affected by racist acts, thoughts, and policies; and affirming the value of our African American colleagues, students, friends, neighbors, and families. We stand for diversity and inclusion, and add our voice to the chorus seeking and promoting change. ... See MoreSee Less

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