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Keeping up momentum regarding the ongoing peace process in South Sudan despite nation-wide COVID-19 restrictions was at the heart of a recent day-long event organized by UNMISS Civil Affairs in Western Bahr el Ghazal.
When Dr.
“The work I do in this country involves listening to the tremendous pain that many women go through; sometimes it’s too hard to bear.
In Western Bahr El Ghazal, UNMISS peacekeepers have taken the motto of leaving no one behind to heart as they continuously support the national-led COVID-19 response.
Basukangbi, a remote village with no communication networks some 50 kilometers from Yambio in Western Equatoria, depends largely on farming as the sole income-generating activity.
Juba, 23 July 2020: A fresh outbreak of fighting in the troubled Jonglei region of South Sudan has forced thousands of families to flee their homes and seek sanctuary next to the United Nations base in Pibor.
UNMISS recently organized a day-long forum in Western Bahr el Ghazal, South Sudan for political stakeholders, community and religious leaders as well as civil society actors to widen engagement with the Revitalized Peace Agreement.
Dr. Maher Botros, an UNPOL Community Police Officer from Egypt, has gone beyond the call of duty supporting UNMISS personnel, displaced persons and local law enforcement counterparts in Malakal during the COVID-19 crisis.
Margret Modong Joshua, a Gender Affairs Officer with UNMISS, has dedicated the past 14 years of her life to work tirelessly for the upliftment of women and girls in South Sudan.
UNMISS peacekeepers from Bangladesh conduct COVID-19 sensitization among female inmates of Wau Central Prison.
生活日报:2021-11-28 · 315名80后90后“李云龙”脱颖而出 济南市面向全省公开遴选一批优秀年轻干部 生活日报记者 李丽 杜亚慧 “广大年轻干部要珍惜机遇、不负重托,雷厉风行、快干实干,努力在六个方面当先锋作表率,创出一番新业绩,展现一番新作为。
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Elbow-bumping and announcements of measures to keep COVID-19 at bay marked swearing in of new ministers:
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