The Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration is conducting a study on embracing and engaging older volunteers.
Published: 07/25/20
Using this information, MAVA will be creating a toolkit and trainings for nonprofit professionals.
AL!VE Publishes Updated Database of USA Local Associations of Volunteer Engagement Professionals
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Power, Privilege, and Volunteerism by Sue Carter Kahl
Published: 06/22/20
As nonprofit or volunteer leaders, many times we do not speak up because we feel like we lack power in these situations. We avoid hard...
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Published: 06/22/20
Discomfort is a vital part of growth and change. Systems and structures across the nation – from law enforcement to education...
AL!VE Board of Directors Releases Statement
Published: 06/09/20
AL!VE Board President Megan Vixie shares with members a statement about racial injustice and our community.
The Ellis Archive on the Professional Leadership of Volunteers Has Launched
Published: 06/16/20
The archive primarily consists of digitized documents from Susan J. Ellis' personal resource library.
New Site Created to Compare Volunteer Management Software Programs
Published: 06/09/20
Rob Jackson, Tobi Johnson, and Beth Steinhorn serve as consultants on rating software available and give insight on their tips to getting...
Energize creates COVID-19 Resource Page
Published: 03/16/20
Our thoughts are with every company and organization dealing with COVID-19 as information changes minute-to-minute. We are diligently...
Points of Light posts COVID-19 Action Plan
Published: 03/16/20
The health and safety of our team and partners is our top priority. As a global organization, we are closely monitoring the COVID-19...